Monsour Counseling and Psychological Services

The staff of Monsour Counseling and Psychological Services consists of psychologists, marriage and family therapists, psychiatrists, post-doctoral fellows, and administrative staff who are committed to providing excellent mental health and psychological wellness services to the 5 undergraduate colleges of The Claremont Colleges.

For after-hours emergencies or if you are in crisis, call the number listed above and dial “1” when prompted to be connected with an on-call therapist.

Contact MCAPS

Monsour Counseling and Psychological Services
Phone | (909) 621-8202 Fax | (909) 621-8482
Crisis Line | (909) 621-8202 Dial “1”
Hours | Monday – Friday 8:30 am – 5:00 pm

For after-hours emergencies or if you are in crisis, call the crisis line listed above and dial “1” to be connected with an on-call therapist.

Monsour Counseling and Psychological Services
Tranquada Student Services Center – 1st Floor
757 College Way Claremont, CA, 91711

Referrals and Resources

Screening and Referral Services

Mental Health Screening
Local Psychiatrists
Off-Campus Therapy Referral Request

Monsour Counseling is closed for Summer Break

During Summer Break we will not be able to provide referrals from May 10th – August 26th, 2024. Any referral requests submitted during this time will be responded to at the start of Fall term 2024.  The on-call therapist will be able to assist you in finding a local referral in your area if you wish. To access this service, please call us at 909-621-8202, and press “1” to be connected to the on-call therapist. You may also contact the customer support team for help getting connected as well 7CHealth. 7C Health is available to 7C students throughout the Summer Break.

Students at The Claremont Colleges have access to 7C Health, which provides 24/7 medical and mental telehealth care for all students, at no cost! To get started, click on 7C Health to set up your profile and use the service when you need it. Students, please use your campus email.


Students at The Claremont Colleges have access to TimelyCare, a service offering 24/7 medical and mental telehealth care at no cost. To get started, download the TimelyCare app or visit to create your profile and access the telehealth service. Don’t forget to use your campus email when registering.

Other Mental Health Resources

Therapy 101
Choosing a Therapist
Support for students with learning disabilities and attention deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD)
Forms & Resources

Tools for Coping with Isolation/Stress

Grounding Exercises

Tips to Manage Stress

  • Talk about it – discussing your feelings with trusted others can help you feel less alone. Facetime, Skype, and similar videochat services are a great way to minimize spreading germs, and yet feel connection and support.
  • Get plenty of sleep, as well as regular “down-time” to rest and recuperate.
  • Strive to eat in a balanced and healthy way.
  • Practice deep breathing or other forms of relaxation.
  • Avoid excessive use of alcohol or drugs to self-soothe or self-medicate.
  • Many people understandably want to stay updated on the latest health information and recommendations, but consider limiting yourself to checking 1-2 reliable sources of information, once per day.”

Self Care Phone Apps

“Daily Yoga”– guided yoga sequences with video (free, iOS and Android compatible)
“Gratitude Diary”– positive things in your life (free, iOS compatible)
“Headspace”– mindfulness meditation tool (iOS and Android compatible)
“Insight Timer”– time tracker for meditation (free, iOS and Android compatible)
“Lotus Bud”– for reminders in the form of mindfulness bells and timers to practice mindfulness (iOS compatible)
“Sleep Cycle”– tracks sleep and sets alarm ($0.99 for iOS, Android compatible)
“Stop, Think Breathe”– Checking in with your brain body (free, iOS, Android and web compatible)
“ACT Coach” Offers exercises, tools, information, and tracking logs
“My3” A safety planning app
“Virtual Hope Box” Helps with emotion regulation and coping skills
“Booster Buddy” A free behavioral activation focused wellness app
“Breathe2Relax” A free app for deep breathing
“Sanvello” CBT-based app for anxiety, stress, and depression; free with in-app purchases
“Happify” science based activities and games to address negative thoughts and stress”

Crisis Hotlines:

National Suicide Hotline: 1-800 SUICIDE (1-800-784-2433)
National Hotline: 1-800-273-TALK (1-800-273-8255)
Didi Hirsch 24-hour Crisis Line: 1-877-727-4747 (for Spanish, dial 1-800-628-9454)
LGBTQ – The Trevor Lifeline: 1-866-488-7386
Trans Crisis Line: 1-877-565-8860
Crisis Text Line: Text HELLO to 741-741
Students of Color Crisis Text Line: Text STEVE to 741-741

Nutrition Services Resources:

Nutrition Services at The Claremont Colleges
Eating Disorder Referral and Information Center

Training Programs

Post-Doctoral Fellowship