
Contact Campus Safety

Campus Phone | Ext 7-2000 or 7-7233 (7-SAFE)
Cell Phone or Off-Campus Phone |
(909) 607-2000 or (909) 607-7233 (SAFE)

Campus Safety
Administrative Campus Center
101 South Mills Avenue 
Claremont, CA, 91711

Campus Safety - Alert Bulletins

Dedicated to protecting the persons and property of students, faculty, staff and visitors of The Claremont Colleges.

Alert Bulletins

In order to keep the Claremont Colleges community apprised of situations occurring within The Claremont Colleges geography and to raise community awareness, the following page reflects Alert Bulletins that have been distributed to the Claremont Colleges over the past twelve months. It is the responsibility of all of us to keep our community safe. To expand the Alert Bulletin below, simply click on the link for the full image.

The Claremont Colleges Department of Campus Safety can be reach 24/7/365 at (909) 607-2000, through the LiveSafe App, and in person at 101 South Mills Avenue, Claremont, CA 91711.