The Jesse R. Swan Jr Endowment For The Arts

About the Swan Endowment

During his 20 years as Professor of Theater Arts at The Claremont Colleges, Jesse R. Swan, Jr. directed a dynamic ensemble of players and productions, staging five shows per year and over 100 performances in total. He also produced four successful Summer Shakespeare Festivals, leaving a lasting impact on the theatre community at The Claremont Colleges.

In honor of his contributions, the Jesse R. Swan Jr. Endowment for the Arts was established in 1997 through the dedicated efforts of his former students. This scholarship fund supports students with a strong interest in theatre, fostering education and a deeper appreciation of the theatrical arts.


This merit scholarship is awarded annually to a current sophomore or junior at Scripps College, Claremont McKenna College, Harvey Mudd College, or Pitzer College in recognition of outstanding work and potential for continued growth in any area within the full scope of theatrical arts.

Scholarship funds are for one year and may only be used toward the student’s tuition during the academic year immediately following the spring selection process. Eligible students with a passion for theatre are encouraged to apply.

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Application Process

All sophomore and junior theatre arts students are encouraged to apply for this scholarship during their year of eligibility. Interested students must submit a completed Swan Application Form and a five-hundred-word essay to be considered for candidacy. From the applications received the Theatre Arts faculty will select worthy candidate(s). These candidates will then be screened for Academic eligibility, which constitutes a GPA of 3.0 or higher. The name(s) of candidate(s) that fulfill this requirement will then be forwarded to the Selection Committee for review and a formal interview.

Said Selection Committee will be minimally composed of two, but not limited to, the following members:

  • One faculty member from the applicant’s college, serving as the chair (should there be several applicants a faculty member from one of the represented colleges will suffice).
  • One member of the Theatre Arts faculty.
  • A member of the Jesse R. Swan family, or the original Swan Fund Donors, or a former Swan student.