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Email | Communications@claremont.edu
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Claremont, CA 91711
Acronym Guide for The Claremont Colleges
The following guide is provided to give context to commonly referenced acronyms used at The Claremont Colleges and The Claremont Colleges Services.
Acronym Guide
- ACE – The American Council on Education serves as the umbrella organization for all professional organizations in higher education. ACE serves as one of the most powerful lobbying arms on behalf of the higher education in Washington.
- ACL – The Association for Consortium Leadership is a national association that provides a forum for higher education professionals involved in cooperative programs. Its primary mission is advocating the cause of interinstitutional cooperation in American higher education.
- AGB – The Association of Governing Boards is a national association providing professional support, consultation and publications to trustees of public and private colleges and universities.
- AICCU – The Association of Independent California Colleges and Universities is based in Sacramento and exists to support, strengthen and help assure the effectiveness of California’s independent colleges and universities. Major responsibilities of the Association include advocacy at the state and national levels, conducting higher education policy research, serving as an information conduit to students, parents, counselors and the media, assisting officers of member institutions and developing discounted pooled programs (e.g., a student loan program, long-term disability program and workers’ compensation program) for member institutions.
- CASE – The Council for Advancement and Support of Education is the largest nonprofit educational organization in the nation. CASE provides training, programs and services to professionals in education to support institutional advancement, educational fund raising, alumni and government relations and communications.
- CPEC – The California Postsecondary Education Commission was established by federal mandate. It is charged with gathering significant information and conducting studies about institutions of postsecondary education (non-profit as well as for-profit) and providing information to the State in support of legislation.
- FASB – The Financial Accounting Standards Board is the organization that establishes generally accepted accounting principles for the private sector of the United States economy. This includes corporations, health and welfare organizations and private colleges and universities. Oversight is performed by the Securities and Exchange Commission. A companion organization called the Government Accounting Standards Board (GASB) establishes accounting principles for government agencies including state supported colleges and universities, which continue to use the old fund accounting financial statements.
- NACUBO – The National Association of College and University Business Officers is a Washington, D.C. based organization that represents higher education on business affairs matters such as accounting principles, budgeting, investments, and personnel matters. It contracts with Cambridge Associates to survey colleges and universities for the annual national endowment survey.
- NAICU – The National Association of Independent Colleges and Universities is a Washington, D.C. based organization that represents higher education’s private sector in national affairs.
- WASC – The Western Association of Schools and Colleges is one of the six regional accrediting associations covering the United States whose purpose is continual improvement of education and cooperation among educational institutions and agencies. Accreditation is a uniquely American process of voluntary self-assessment of institutions of higher education.
- TCC – The Claremont Colleges
- POM – Pomona College
- CGU – Claremont Graduate University
- SCR – Scripps College
- CMC – Claremont McKenna College
- HMC – Harvey Mudd College
- PTZ – Pitzer College
- KGI – Keck Graduate Institute
- 5Cs – The 5 Undergraduate Colleges
- 7Cs – All 7 Claremont Colleges
- TCCS – The Claremont Colleges Services
- CMS – Claremont-Mudd-Scripps Athletics
- PP – Pomona-Pitzer Athletics
- TLC – Teaching and Learning Center
- TCCS – The Claremont Colleges Services
- TCCL – The Claremont Colleges Library
- CFS – Central Facilities Services
- SHS – Student Health Services
- HEO – Health Education Outreach
- MCAPS – Monsour Counseling & Psychological Services
- CLSA – Chicano Latino Student Affairs
- OBSA – Office of Black Student Affairs
- SDRC – Student Disability Resource Center
- EHS – Environmental Health & Safety
- ADC – Academic Deans Committee. The ADC is charged with identifying and addressing strategic academic issues of common concern to The Claremont Colleges such as cross-registration patterns, the academic calendar, development of new academic programs, faculty hiring and the like. It also oversees and coordinates the intercollegiate academic programs and services. Membership includes the Dean of Faculty/Chief Academic Officer of each of the Colleges and the Chief Executive Officer of TCCS (ex officio).
- BFAC – Business and Financial Affairs Committee. The function of the BFAC is to engage in strategic planning, policy and operational issues arising out of consortial business, financial, facilities and human resource interests and services. Membership includes the Vice President for Business Affairs/Treasurer of each of The College and the Vice President/Treasurer/Director of Financial Services of TCCS.
- SDC – Student Deans Committee. It is the function of the SDC to engage in strategic planning and focus on policy and operational issues arising out of inter-campus student life interests and consortial services. Membership includes the Vice President for Student Affairs/Dean of Students of each of the Colleges, the Vice President for Student Affairs of TCCS, and the CEO of TCCS.
- CCC – Consortial Communications Committee. It is the function of the Consortial Communications Committee (CCC) to develop a consortium-wide communication strategy for The Claremont Colleges and to engage in consortium-wide strategic planning for public relations and marketing efforts, including emergency communications planning and coordination.
- FMC – Facilities Managers Committee. The committee engages in facilities strategic planning, policy and operational issues arising out of consortial facilities management needs and interests. Membership includes the Director of Campus Facilities/Maintenance at each of the Colleges and the Director of Central Facilities Services of TCCS. It is advisory to the BFAC.
- HRC – Human Resources Committee. It is the function of the HRC to engage in strategic planning, policy and operational issues arising out of consortial human resources interests. The HRC is an advisory committee of the BFAC. Membership includes the Director of Human Resources at each of the Colleges and TCCS.
- CAC – Consortial Advancement Committee. The function of the CAC is to engage in consortium-wide strategic planning, institutional advancement and public affairs efforts. Members include the Vice President for Development/Advancement of each of the Colleges and the Secretary to the Board of TCCS.
- EPC – Emergency Preparedness Committee. The EPC promotes the institutions’ emergency management programs; promotes the institutions’ shared interests in effective emergency management activities; and coordinate and integrate all activities necessary to build, sustain, and improve the capability of the institutions to mitigate against, prepare for, respond to, and recover from threatened or actual natural or man-made disasters. Membership is comprised of the TCCS Emergency Preparedness Manager, the emergency management officer of each college, and the Secretary to the Board of TCCS.
- ITSC – IT Steering Committee. The intercollegiate committee provides strategic direction and executive oversight for all consortium-wide shared IT services.
CGB – California Botanic Garden (formerly RSABG – Rancho Santa Ana Botanic Garden). The California Botanic Garden is a private, non-profit institution that displays California native plants on an 86-acre site. The Garden also serves as the Graduate Botany Program for the Claremont Graduate University and conducts basic research in plant systematics and evolution. The California Botanic Garden is located north of Foothill Boulevard adjacent to the Bernard Field Station.