If you test positive using an at-home test, you are legally required to isolate by Los Angeles County’s Department of Public Health. Please inform your dean (students) or supervisor (employees) as soon as possible. You should also notify the SHS Contact Tracing Team* by email: contact.tracers@claremont.edu.
In the event of required or recommended COVID testing, only lab-confirmed positive results would exempt you from SHS saliva PCR testing for ninety days. At-home testing will not be automatically accepted. If you would like to be exempt from any PCR testing in the 90 days following a COVID illness diagnosed at home, you can confirm your at-home result using SHS saliva PCR testing. If you test positive on the saliva PCR test, it will confirm the previous at-home test result. You would not be required to isolate again if we were aware of your at-home test result before your saliva PCR test. If you test negative on the saliva PCR test, we would consider your at-home test result likely a false positive, and you would not be considered exempt from further testing as needed or required.
* Employees should confirm who provides contract tracing, as not all employees work with the SHS Contract Tracing Team.