If you test positive, please isolate yourself immediately. Employees should notify their supervisor, and if the employee is on campus, they should leave campus immediately after letting their supervisor know. Students should isolate in their residences. Students living on campus should also expect a campus representative to reach out to them to discuss the next steps. If you have received your positive test result after 4:00 p.m., this outreach will likely occur the following morning, probably soon after 9:00 a.m.
Your positive test result comes with these instructions and instructions on completing a contact tracing case intake questionnaire. Compliance with contact tracing is a requirement of a student’s enrollment and an employee’s employment. This case intake questionnaire should be completed within 24 hours of your positive diagnosis. Failure to comply may result in sanctions from your campus/employer. If you are having trouble completing this questionnaire, please call the contact tracing line at 909-607-9995 or speak with your dean (students) or supervisor (employees).