Community Norming Baseline Expectations

Community Norming Baseline Expectations

Community Norming Baseline Expectations

The following expectations have been developed by the Social Norming Subgroup as part of the consortial-wide Safety Planning Group for the COVID-19 planning efforts. It is anticipated that each campus will use these minimum standards in addition to other campus specific standards in communications to stakeholders.

  1. Students, faculty, staff will maintain 6 foot physical distancing
  2. Students, faculty, staff will not share objects with one another
  3. Students, faculty, staff will wear cloth face coverings in all shared/public spaces. Exception to this will be the student has a roommate and if it is only the two of them in their shared residence
  4. Students, faculty, staff will abide by directional signage on campus
  5. Students, faculty, staff will stay home or self-isolate when needed per CDC guidelines, their supervisor or campus official directives
  6. Students, faculty, staff will abide by hand hygiene and respiratory etiquette
  7. Guests will not be allowed on campus All faculty, staff, and students should sign an acknowledgment of behavioral expectations before the start of the semester. In addition to this,“passive programming “ such as messages about behavioral expectations should be visible throughout the colleges and as well as online (pop up when sign on to the network, etc.).

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