
Emergency Preparedness

Providing professional health and safety services to The Claremont Colleges.

Contact Emergency Preparedness

Campus Phone | Ext 7-2000 or 7-7233 (7-SAFE)

Cell Phone or Off-Campus Phone |
(909) 607-2000 or (909) 607-7233 (SAFE)

Email | dispatch@claremont.edu

Campus Safety
Administrative Campus Center
101 South Mills Avenue
Claremont, CA 91711

As the AVP and Director of Campus Safety and Emergency Services, it is my goal to ensure that The Claremont Colleges community is prepared to respond to and recover from any emergency or disaster event impacting our campuses and to ensure the safety and sustainment of our students, staff, faculty, and visitors, as well to maintain the continuity of critical operations. We take great pride in our planning and preparedness efforts and work tirelessly to continue to develop our emergency preparedness. Please also become familiar with the plans and procedures for your campus in order to remain safe at all times.

Mike Hallinan
AVP and Director of Campus Safety and Emergency Services
The Claremont Colleges Services

The Claremont Colleges Services Emergency Operations Plan (EOP) aims to establish policies, procedures, and an organizational structure for response to and recovery from emergency events impacting the campuses.

Emergency Operations Plan

  1. Protection of Life – Reduce the risk of injury or death to members of the campus community.
  2. Incident Stabilization – Contain the incident to keep it from expanding.
  3. Property and Environment Preservation – Minimize damage to property and the environment.
  4. Mission Continuity/Resumption – Re-establish instruction, research, and other mission critical activities with minimal disruption.
  • Active Assailant
  • Earthquake
  • Communicable Disease
  • Evacuation
  • Trainings
  • Hazardous Materials
  • Emergency Contacts
  • Personal Preparedness
  • Access and Functional Needs